Tulsa Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
August 14, 2024

What Your Movers Won't Move

things you can't put on a moving vanby Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group 

Well done, you are the smart person who arranged your moving company in Tulsa in advance, walked through your house along with a moving company sales rep to ascertain how many trucks and staff you need, and neatly packed and tagged your boxes.

So now, did you read the small print on the agreement? In the event you did not read the total thing, and the majority of people don't get past the dates and numbers before their eyeballs glaze over, find it, take a seat, and study it now. Fill another cup of joe if you want to, however when you get to the section regarding what the professional movers in Tulsa cannot put on the moving van, likelihood is pretty good that contract will have your undivided attention.

What You Can't Transport

Which of these is NOT allowed on a moving van? Are any of these against the law for the crew to load and transfer, or is it simply company policy? The answer is a quite direct to the point, it depends.

· Yucca Plant

· Lawnmower

· Fireworks

· Money

The only thing in the above list that CAN go on the truck is the lawn mower--if the gas and oil tanks have already been drained. Indoor plants typically won't be able to cross state lines--this is a legal issue--and moving companies in Tulsa would not like any bugs residing in leaves or the soil leaping ship on the moving van itself.

Fireworks are forbidden.

Moving companies won't be responsible for valuables on the truck. Your homeowner’s insurance policy might handle any material mishaps, but probably won't replace misplaced cash. Take it to the bank and recover it as soon as you are settled or take it along with you.

What is Against the law to Transfer

So, the list of the items it's not possible to pack and load isn't such a bore, in any case. These are a few other items that movers are not going to load, along with the main reasons why not.

· Any item that is flammable, corrosive, explosive or combustible and can in theory put the lives of the workers along with the equipment at risk, is illegal. So, a mower having an unfilled gas/oil tank is ok, but an aerosol can of disinfectant isn't.

· Plants--certain states have policies on what indoor plants are able to traverse the state line. Bugs and pests which are not a problem in some states are huge risks in others, thus leave your houseplants for the neighbors or get them to your friends. Should you be bringing the pots, thoroughly clean them with bleach prior to when you load them.

· Alcohol--regulations vary between states. Stay safe and have a clear the bar occasion before you move.

· Gasoline

What A lot of Company Rules Restrict

Every professional mover in Tulsa has its own set of prohibited items, however these tend to be the common things you can expect to leave behind or carry yourself.

Chemical substances are defined by their ability to have interaction with other matter and alter the shape and substance of the matter. In layman's terms, this suggests that should you place weed killer and wood stains on the moving truck alongside one another and they accidentally interact under force or heat, extremely awful things can occur. And if you're thinking that a few bottles of nail polish and remover along with a chemistry set is not going to pack enough of a wallop to change anything, you'd be mistaken. Therefore Never pack the subsequent.

· Household Cleaners

· Paint and Paint Remover--this includes fingernail polish

· Pool chemicals

· Pesticides, Weed Killers, and Fertilizers

· Aerosol Cans

· Perishable Foods

· Fireworks

Don’t forget that grocery delivery is a wonderful thing--order via the internet and have your cleaning products, paper products, and food products shipped soon after you have arrived at your new residence.

For those who have any questions regarding some products, check with your moving company in Tulsa ahead of moving day, particularly if you need to make other plans for transport or donations.

Click HERE for A-1 Freeman Moving Group’s list of Non-Transportable Items.


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